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Aeronautics graduate schools


Catalog edition 2019

This catalog identifies at national level the graduate schools whose research areas are of interest to the aerospace.

It was conducted as part of the activities supported by the cooperation agreement signed between the French aerospace industries association (GIFAS) and the Ministries of Education and Higher Education.

The purpose of this survey is twofold:

Then, the partners in education and the profession have to encourage interest in science and technology, and even contribute to the development and to the future of research for this sector.

The Institute for Space and itS Applications and Technologies (ISSAT - was mandated to conduct this inventory that completes the existing catalogs : the catalog of trainings in Aerospace and the catalog of trainings in Space domain (

The content of theses inventories is integrated into the website, that is the portal for employment and training in aeronautics and space, created at the initiative of GIFAS.

We thank INTELLI'AGENCE (formerly Association Bernard Gregory -, ONERA ( and ISAE ( for their contribution to this inventory of graduate schools.
Good Navigation.